Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Things to Avoid in Web Development

There are so many things that adversely impact the overall performance of the website that need be avoided during the web development process. If you are an offshore company providing web development and services to your clients, you must follow the strict rules while handling any web development project. A large number of companies are offering web development services. You must avoid these mistakes, if you are one of them.
Use of Flash
These days flash is commonly seen on websites necessarily or unnecessarily to add color and attractions to the web sites, but excessive use of flash can detract you whole campaign. There are two major reasons behind this: every person using the internet does not have flash player to support flash documents on the website. Secondly, flash files require a specific bandwidth that everyone does not have. Therefore, you need to minimize the overall use of flash, so that your website would work effectively.  
Use of Graphics
Speed of the website matter a lot in this competitive environment, otherwise you can miss a large number of potential customers every day. The report shows that a user stays on a website hardly 92 seconds averagely. If you use too much unnecessary and useless graphics, it can slow down the speed of your website that cause a high level of bounce rate.
Search Engine Optimized
If you neglect search engine optimization in your web development, it will be a poor development strategy for you as well as for your clients. Web sites optimized with proper keyword and Metas, have a better and positive impact on ranking in the search engine result page. Being a web developer, you need to keep this important aspect of development in your mind so that you may get better and desired results.
If your website is poorly navigated and user feels difficulties in finding the things according to his interest, that means he is visiting your first time and last time. Secondly, a search engine does not rank, such websites as they are not user friendly and does not provide better user experience.
Welcome Note
If you provide a welcome note on the home page of your website, it is considered as a better strategy to satisfy the user as he understand the whole website in a single glance and understands whether he is at the right place or not.

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